Peripheral & Arterial Intervention Specialist

Florida Hearts

Board Certified Cardiologist located in Ocala, FL & Chiefland, FL

Narrowing or blockages in the blood vessels to your heart and body may affect your quality of life and longevity. Peripheral and arterial intervention may help open up these blocked blood vessels to improve your health and wellness. Ravindra Kolaventy, MD, FACC, a board-certified cardiologist, and the team at Florida Hearts perform on-site peripheral and arterial interventions. To learn more about the treatment options at Florida Hearts, call the office in Chiefland, The Villages, or Ocala, Florida, or book an appointment online today.

Peripheral & Arterial Intervention Q & A

What is peripheral and arterial intervention?

Peripheral and arterial intervention refers to the treatment options Florida Hearts offers to improve blood flow through your blood vessels. 

Florida Hearts is a state-of-the-art cardiology practice that provides comprehensive assessments and treatments for cardiac patients. That includes peripheral and arterial interventions when needed. 

Why would I need peripheral or arterial intervention?

You may need peripheral or arterial intervention if you have a build-up of plaque along your blood vessel walls that decreases or blocks the flow of blood. This is a condition known as atherosclerosis. 

Plaque is a sticky substance that contains fat, cholesterol, and minerals that flow through your blood vessels. Over time, the plaque causes your blood vessels to stiffen and thicken, which affects the flow of oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body.

Atherosclerosis may affect the arteries in your heart or the peripheral arteries that supply blood to your arms and legs. 

Without an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, your atherosclerosis may increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It may also affect the health and function of your organs and extremities and increase your risk of limb amputation. 

What are the types of peripheral and arterial interventions?

Florida Hearts is a full-service state-of-the-art cardiology practice. The experienced team performs many peripheral and arterial interventions, including:


Atherectomy is a non-surgical treatment that breaks up the plaque from your blood vessels using a catheter equipped with a blade or drill.

Angioplasty and stenting

Angioplasty and stenting is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Your cardiologist inserts a catheter with a balloon tip into a blood vessel and advances it until it reaches the area of plaque build-up. 

Your cardiologist inflates the balloon, which compresses the plaque and opens the blood vessel. Your provider then places a tube, or stent, to keep the blood vessel open.

External counterpulsation (ECP) therapy

ECP therapy is a noninvasive peripheral and arterial intervention that improves blood flow to and from your heart. Florida Hearts is the first practice in the state of Florida to offer ECP therapy.

During treatment, your provider wraps special cuffs around your legs and buttocks. These cuffs inflate and deflate in time with your heartbeat. 

The pressure from the cuffs in your lower extremities increases blood flow to your heart. Additionally, the pressure may stimulate your blood vessels to open channels that create a natural “bypass” to your muscles and tissues. 

To schedule your cardiology consultation at Florida Hearts, call the office nearest you or book an appointment online today.